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1992 Reading Phillies

Well folks, thanks for being understanding of my need to take a minor break from the good ole Baseball Milquetoast blog experience last week but rest assured because we're back now and ready to be better than ever! 

I've spent most of this pandemic writing about West Coast caps and since I'm ready to start showing love to the East Coast once again, we're going to start that trend off with a Reading Phillies hat which is fitting as I'm totally STOKED on Pennsylvania at the moment.

I've never been much of a fan of red hats and especially less so over the last four years but there's a small chance I'll warm up to them again soon because 2020 has been a wild year so who knows what's going to happen next, right?!?

Reading wore this cap from 1992 through 1997 but the lack of the New Era flag tag on the sweatband confirms that this particular one wasn't worn after 1996.

I have come to believe that the MILB batterman began to appear on MILB caps in 1993 so its absence here is an indication that this cap is most likely from 1992.

I don't want to speak too soon but it looks like the Dodgers winning the World Series might just be the last awful thing to happen this year. Famous last words right? Ok, so I might be eating crow next week but you'll just have to come on back here to find out. Either way, I'll definitely have another great cap from PA to continue my love-fest with that fine, fine commonwealth!

This week's cap is definitely in my wheelhouse as far as vintage hats go but as I've mentioned many times before, I'm not actually sure I'm ready to rock a red hat which is why I'm considering putting it on the Trading Block. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you want this or any other cap from that list and you are willing to part with any of the hats on my Wish List.

As always, thanks for coming back to read about baseball hat geekery. I've got comments disabled here so if you'd like to discuss a trade or simply just chat about hats, please feel free to connect via the following social sites:

Twitter: @FittedFriday

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