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A Sword on the Mantle, Cherished & Storied

"If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don't put it there" - Anton Chekhov

          Weapons have a mystique in society for obvious reasons. They're a lever by which one can exert their will on others. That mystique is reflected in the legends surrounding many real life mythological weapons; Sharur can fly and communicate with it's wielder, Tyrfing never misses a strike but always kills when unsheathed, Gae Bulg has seven heads with seven bars a head. The weapons are characters in the story themselves, not simply a statistical bonus meant to represent an enchantment. To move to fiction, one of the best moments in The Hobbitwas when Gandalf just randomly finds Glamdring in a cave, only to be told later in Fellowshipby Elrond that he'd found an ancient elven king's sword.

          This generator seeks to give you interesting weapons to use as macguffins, equipment for characters, or simply interesting flavor to sprinkle around the world. To use the generator simply roll 4d8 (or however many tables underneath you wish to use) and consult the results.

What kind of weapon is it? It's a(n)...
Sword, one or two-handed
Axe, one or two-handed
Piercing pole-arm such as lance or spear.
Simple and stout club, perhaps banded with iron or just a heavy hunk of wood.
Sledge, pick or war-hammer.
Firearm or Crossbow, with bullets or bolts.
Bow; short, compound or long, with arrows.
Edged pole-arm, such as a halberd, naginata or glaive.

What does it look like?
Notched or dented from heavy use, but still serviceable and of quality make.
Like it was not cleaned after it's last use. There's still blood caked onto it or the ammunition.
It is unremarkable, but it is tied with something like ribbons, a banner or other prominent hanging ornaments.
Lovingly cared for, and embellished with carvings or other forms of inlaid art.
Decorated with precious metals or gems, but still just as deadly as any other weapon.
Crude, being made of improvised or otherwise scavenged materials. It is startlingly effective.
A display piece. It could be made out of valuable but useless materials such as gold or silver, or it could be simply be dull or lack the necessary balance to be used.
Strange and bewildering, such as being crafted of glass, coral, wood or marble. It is likely magical in some way, given that it is still useable.

Is there anything special about it?
Weapon must be appeased with violence if taken out with the intent of being used. If this is not is done, the next 1d4 attacks with the weapon are with Disadvantage.
The weapon glow or hums within the presence of a certain kind of foe.
The owner of this weapon always knows where it is.
Weapon refuses to harm it's owner.
A certain Outsider, Elemental or other powerful being has a link to this item. It can offer aid, in return for service.
This weapon is average for its kind.

What is it's history? Was it involved in any famous events?
It was wielded by a culture hero, and was handed down to the current owner through familial or personal connections
The weapon is or was wielded by members of an organization that is or was famous. They may want it back or to know how it came into the current owner's hands.
The weapon itself is not notable, but it was produced by a well-known maker during a major and terrible war. Possessing it marks out someone as a veteran or descendant of a veteran.
This weapon is a deodand responsible for someone famous' death.
The weapon has been passed down for generations, while it has not been responsible for anything momentous it has been cherished.
It is a mystery. Anyone who knew is dead or lost

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