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The White Horse Of Kilburn

On Bank Holiday Monday, after visiting Helmsley, which I wrote about in my last post, we headed off to Yorkshire Lavender which you can read about on my Garden Visiting In August post over on my other blog, The Good Life. We still wasn't ready to head home after there so we decided to go and see the White Horse of Kilburn.

Kilburn is a lovely village just on the edge of the North York Moors. Robert Thompson, the furniture maker who was known as The Mouseman because he carved a mouse in to the pieces of furniture he made, lived here and there's a visitor centre in the village.

The village is so pretty with lots of beautiful cottages.

I loved these cottages, where you have to cross a little bridge over a stream before you walk up the garden path.

There's a bit of an olde worlde feeling to the village, you don't often see red telephone boxes any more, or these type of post boxes.

Abour a mile outside the village is the White Horse which we'd come to see. Cut in to the hillside, the figure is 318 feet long by 220 feet high and covers about 1.6 acres.

It was created in 1857 by school master, John Hodgson and his pupils, with local volunteers after being designed and financed by a native of Kilburn, Thomas Taylor who was a Victorian businessman.

The horse is cut in to limestone which needs artificial whitening. Chalk chippings from the Yorkshire Wolds are now used for this purpose.

There's a car park right below the horse where you can park up and take a walk through woodland right the way up to the horse itself, but you need to be a little distance away to be able to get a good view of it. As the weather we'd left at home had caught up with us by this time, we didn't venture in to the woods, though I'm sure Archie would have loved it, so we'll definitely return another day to take that walk.

If you haven't already entered my giveaway, don't forget to do so. You have until twelve noon on Thursday the 11th of September 2014 to leave a comment on my Fourth Blog Anniversary Giveaway post

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