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chuffed I am!!

Well...what a week that was! I got given three, yes people, three awards this week...two from Sarah at Molly's Maison (the sunshine award and the master of karate and friendship award...how funny is that?) and the Happy 101 award from Silvia at Casa Bella.  If you haven't already, make sure you scoot on over to their blogs immediately...ok, not immediately...read what else I have to say first...it will make you weep, and the really important bit's at the end :-)

Seriously, how lucky can one person get in a week! I feel a bit like Steven Bradbury when he won that skating gold medal for Australia at the Winter Olympics quite a few years back...when everyone else in the race fell over and he crossed the line first! Honestly I don't think I deserve this at all...I still have my blogger training wheels very much on...but that doesn't stop me from being incredibly grateful, chuffed and just a little bit proud! 
I know that there are 'rules' to these awards, but vis a vis my post yesterday about just being me...I'm going to have to break them a little...otherwise you'd be seeing right through me and I can't have that!! I think of these as being 'encouragement' awards...a little nod in my direction to say, hey kid...you're going ok...keep it up...plug away...you'll get there!  And I am and I will.
The master of karate award says that you have to tell people about your skills...c'mon, I read Sarah's...for crying out loud, that girl can spin plates like a circus performer...no way can I compete with that!  So I thought I'd tell you about a skill that I don't have and desperately want
...the ability to whistle so I can stop traffic, hail a taxi, embarrass my kids (surely one of life's great joys), express appreciation and/or...be completely inappropriate for my age. And now it's out there...you can be sure I will learn.
But back to awards, and getting a bit sooky for a brief moment (you still with me...this is the important bit)...I did want to acknowledge a few people for the incredible kindness and support they've shown to me. Of course thanks so much again to Sarah and Silvia, and now for a few others...
Ashlina at Secrets of Domestic Bliss...for being the first follower whose arm I didn't have to twist (i.e. not a relative or friend...but she is a friend now)
Kerri at Driftwood Interiors...even though she spells her name incorrectly...who I feel like I've known forever and we must surely have been separated at birth
Jackie at Home...who writes me the loveliest, longest comments (and yes Jackie I DO love them that way and hey...you remind me of me too!)
Stephenie at Decorating Addiction...for knowing that it will take us at least 12 months to stop being 'newbies' and because she asked me for some technical help...and a shock to me...I was able to give it!
Kristine at The Painted Hive...another new blogger like me who leaves the sweetest comments
Anna at Lona de Anna...who I plan to bug about her study experiences once I start my course in a few weeks time...be warned you poor thing! And her playlist is awesome...and so like my own CD collection.
So to you six...choose an award from the above, or choose not to...I won't be offended at all...but know that you're very much appreciated by me.
...and to all those other lovely people who've taken the time to comment on my blog when I know how busy you all are...including people who've been around the blogging traps for so long and who must get inundated...you show such generosity.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.
And now, enough soppiness...I'm off to start the round of social activities I have this weekend...when will I find time for my blogging I wonder!

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